
Inspect your sewers in Real Estate Transactions

We just closed a transaction with a client in Anderson who bought the most wonderful ranch house. During the offer period, it was noted in the disclosures that the house had a disclosed sewer backup in 2014 and that they have not had issue since. I also noticed that they had a mature, 25 year+…

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Buy Equity in a Neighborhood, not a house

I have always been told by respected investors that you make your money when you Close the first time on the property- you buy with equity in the property. I have changed my opinion within major sections of Cincinnati this last year. I believe within the Sellers market regions of Cincinnati, you buy equity in…

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Home Inspections- the best time for Buyers, the worse time for Sellers!

The most major contingency in the Real Estate transaction is the inspection period. It is typically a 10-15 day period from which you can hire a home inspector to provide you a report of their opinion of condition. In the report, they will provide opinions of defects and they can recommend further investigation and/ or…

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Running with a Realtor, Clifton

Today began a new horizon for this blog. I am a Realtor, I am a Runner, I love adventure. If that was a math problem it would equal a New Blog “Running with a Realtor”. Today, I ran from Clifton Gaslight district. Serpentining the wonderful historic streets along Clifton Ave heading North out of the…

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